Zombiefest this year was a lot of fun. While there was not a lot of activities to do, it was still a lot of fun. There were vendors all around, some had games and tickets to win things, other sold hand made items like brain shaped soap. There was also a few bands. Some were good, some were of a specific taste. There was one or two that I would not go to see in concert, but there was also a few that I would like to go see. Although I did not catch the names of them. I tried to win tickets from Stage AE though they asked which bands I would like to see in Pittsburgh and laughed a little and said the bands I like I doubt other Pittsburghers would know them.
Cosplay Kitchen got a lot of recognition. We were located at one of the entrances so when people came in they seen us and seen we did make up and sold some items. The West End Village was a great place to have the event, we even helped raise the numbers of zombies by telling everyone to register. Other vendors enjoy having us around because we encouraged other people to visit the other vendors as well as our own. We complimented many zombie ideas such as a zombie elf that was creepy as all get out whenever he walked past us. Toni entertained customers with her stories about our dead fairies for sale.
As the zombies went on the walk around, they came back towards our entrance, Tai began to do the Gungam Style dance into the throng of zombies, who then began to do the dance as well. He also entertained people by trying to eat their dogs with chopsticks. It was a great time and I am excited for next time. We are planning ideas for then, possibly have an activities or something for people to do. Cosplay Kitchen is coming up with great ideas, keep an eye out for amazing things we are about to do.