This was my 4th time attending Otakon, like most cons I very much enjoyed myself. I only had a few complaints from the whole weekend. One of which was the prereg line. My group and I arrived around 6pm on Thursday night to pick up out badges. We where in line around 7pm. Of course we expected a line because on the 35,000 cap put on the con so the crazy line didn’t surprise me. What did was we waited in like until 11pm and where turned away telling us the line was closed for the night. I was very upset with the poor communication and making tons of attends stand out side for hours waiting to pick up the badge that they never had a chance to get. Was a minor set back, so we just headed to wait in like Friday morning at 5:30am and waited until the line was open. Once it was it went pretty fast so all in all it wasn’t a huge hassle. My only other problem
was not really an Otakon problem but the locals (of just non con goers) where very rude and very pushy this year. Out of the 4 year I have attended I never had a problem until this year sadly. I also found I wasn’t the only one to run into those obstetrical. Other then those few flaws I had a great time.
The cosplays where fantastic as always and all of the con goers I ran into where very friendly. I also particularly liked the dealers room this year as well. I finally got to do my Elizabeth cosplay from Bioshock with my friend as Booker. This con ended up being a group con trend with me. A couple of close friends and I put together a pretty awesome High School of the Dead group. I was also able to try out a completely new cosplay which was Titan Annie with a group containing my friends as Titan Eren and Armored Titan. We where a very popular group Saturday. We couldn’t move an inch without having to pose for a picture, which has never happened to me so it was pretty cool. On top of our cosplay group being unique we each had an element that stood out, for example our Armored Titan’s mask blew out smoke.
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I am looking forward to attending Otakon again next year. I love seeing all the talented cosplayers and its also a very comfortable, layed back convention. The only thing I hope is the line situation is better taken care of. Matsuricon is up next on my list Can’t wait to see you there and cosplay on everyone!