I attended Nekocon for my 4th year last weekend. I had an incredible time! The staff as always was very friendly and helpful. I spent a lot of time doing photography with Ken from Yenra Photography. I was really glad to see so many attendees as well. The venue for Nekocon is personally on of my favorites. It is very spacious and has a ton of room for people to take photos and talk to one another. I also was glad that for the majority of the panels I attended, the lines went by quickly and it wasn’t overly crowded. One panel I particularly enjoyed was the Meet the Dreamy Hearts Host Club. It was very personable and insanely funny. It was a perfect panel especially because we attended the Host Club the following night. Saturday I got to enjoy taking photos and interviewing cosplays about the con. Most cosplayers I ran into were locals and have been attending the con for years now. The cosplayers, same as myself, enjoyed the venue and staff. One commented on how great she liked the scheduling and panels. I got to shoot a lovely Tokyo Mew Mew group on the second floor terrace, which next to the outside fountains is one of the best shooting spots. After doing photography we grabbed lunch at the Embassy Suites hotel, I love that they have a themed menu appropriate to the con. Also having food at a reasonable
price so close by is a huge plus for me and many other attendees. After we attended a panel and then checked out the Masquerade. We went to the dealers room afterwards, where I look for the alpaca (Alpacasso) that speaks to me lol, I have about 30 of them and counting. One of my favorite stands was the first one by the entrance , it had a ton of Japanese foods and candy. Everyone has seen the “purchase cheap cialis ” email SPAM, less often now because of laws and SPAM filters than a few years ago. buying cialis in uk It was a problem to differentiate among blue and green color. It may not work for every man, which eventually hurt the sexual life. viagra super Citrulline converts to arginine through viagra pfizer enzymes made by the body. My friend Kali Monster Cosplay and myself were in heaven. The high light of the weekend hands down had to be the Host Club. We attended the 9:30pm to 11pm session and our host was Iriel. He was absolutely wonderful, I have never been to a host club before and this was a great first experience. Our host was very attentive as well as some of the host and the manager. It was such a easy, laid back environment and I can’t put into words how much my friends and myself enjoyed our time there. I want to give a shout out to the Dreamy Hearts Host Club and the managers for a great time. Following the host club we attended the rave, the DJ that night was amazing. Sunday we checked out the artist ally, I love looking at prints and the amazing work that is brought to cons. Afterwards I spent the rest of the day with Yenra Photograpy, we got to shoot an adorable Love Live group before checking out the Lolita Tea party. I have never seen a Lolita Tea party before but the room was set up so beautifully and everyone looked so perfect. I regretfully was not able to attend and take some photos but I had friends who did and they raved about how wonderful it was. Overall I have not enjoyed myself that much at a convention in some time. I got to enjoy time with friend at a con that I always describe as feeling homey. I honestly could not give any kinda of negative comments towards the weekend. The con is reasonably priced, hotel and food close by, amazing cosplayers, a kinda staff, and more. There is something there for everyone and it appeals to all ages. I am already excited to attend next year. For now signing off and I will see you guys at Katsucon. Stay nerdy!