What is your name and Handle you go by? MikuMikuJinx (Jennifer)
How long have you been cosplaying? I’ve been cosplaying for about six years!
What got you into cosplaying? It all started out with, I would cut and my hair and dye it like a specific character. And then I found out what I was doing and started to follow that hobby with my best friend!

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What is your favorite costume you have done? Daughter of Evil – Rin
What is your dream cosplay? Zelda
What is your future cosplay plans? I would like do to SeeU and Zelda
What is your favorite convention? IchibanCon!
What system do you like best and your favorite game? I’m a Playstation (2+3) type of girl
In school and what for? Right now I’m a senior in high school! But I am accepted in The Art Institute of Charlotte for Graphic Design
Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? Hopefully, with money and somewhere awesome cosplaying like an amazing 28 year old!
Do you have any Hobbies outside cosplaying? I do photography
Favorite Quote? “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~Albert Einstein
What was your first Anime? DBZ of course.
Favorite manga? Panty and Stocking.
Got any creepy neck breather (stalkers while cosplaying) stories for us? I’ve had a couple at school that was obsessed over my cosplay, but they stopped obsessing over me and decided to find someone more interesting.
Anything else you would like to share with us? Every single one of you guys are amazing and beautiful, I am so excited and flattered to be apart of Cosplay Kitchen!