We came up with the idea to get together once a week with some of our friends to work on our cos-plays we would like to finish. The Cos-play day was awesome. Three of our friends came over and we discussed what we needed to complete the cos-plays and the kind of materials we would need. We began the planning process of some of the cos-plays we want to make and began the process to mold our ears to make elf ears. One of Amy’s cos-plays: Lisa from Sacred Blacksmith: has elf ears so it was a productive day.
The Algenate Tom used was so incredibly cold and even though I had a cotton ball in my ears, it felt like the stuff was seeping into my ears. Then Tom took the Algenate off and made the mold, when Tom pulled the mold off part of my ear broke off because apparently my ears too close to my head. We can salvage it but we might also have to redo that ear, I hope we can salvage it without having to redo the process.
While it was a very productive night, we also had a lot of fun laughing and enjoying each other’s company. There is nothing better than getting together with no matter what you are doing. We helped each other decide what cos-plays we would like to do and when. There are group cos-plays we decided to do together. I look forward to what the next cos-play days will have for us. We are going shopping for fabric on weekend soon, again we are doing it together and will be able to help each other decide what the best fabric would be. Have a great week everyone.