Anime USA is in 2 days and we are all looking forward to it. I am very excieted this is my first time attending and it came at a good time since I am going through con withdrawl. Our vieo we also submitted for the AUSA vieo contested made the top 4 so I am really looking forward to seeing it at the opening ceremony. I am almost packed up just a few more things I need to get. I’ll be doing Canterella Miku Friday, Ada Wong and a rainbow candy outfit Saturday and just a simple hello kitty dress for Sunday. I am also looking forward to doing a Leon/Ada shoot with my really good friend Kevin who is also Leo Arcanum from Cosplay Burlesque. He is a very talented cosplayer so it shold be a lot of fun. I also look forward to meeting new people and seeing old friends. Hope to also see you guys and have a safe trip there!

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