Violent Anime

I have heard a lot of people talk say good things about Elfin Lied.  A lot of people say it’s a good anime and I should watch it, so I did.  I did not make it past the first episode.   Right from the beginning it was so violent, and I am not the kind of person who likes violence.  It honestly made me not want to watch anymore of it.  I even wanted to turn it off during the episode, but I told myself Maybe it will get better.  But it really didn’t.  The main character (I didn’t even catch her name) just killed everyone in her path with no reason.  I didn’t even understand what exactly was going on in the episode.

I am the kind of person who will give anything a try, I would watch several episodes of an anime before saying I don’t like it, or a few chapters of a manga or novel.  But this anime, I cannot seem to bring myself to do. I would like to convince myself that it isn’t as violent as the story progresses, but I cannot bring myself to attempt to watch any more of the episodes.  It kind of left a distaste in my mouth which makes me a sad panda. I understand an anime having fight scenes and things like that but honestly Elfin Lied had too much. And there is such a thing as too much.  I don’t think I will be watching any more of Elfin Lied.

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